Friday, July 8, 2016


Mad Max Fury Road cover
Taking after an atomic holocaust, the world has turned into a desert no man's land and human advancement has gave way. Max Rockatansky, a survivor, is caught by the War Boys, the armed force of the domineering Immortan Joe, and taken to Joe's Citadel. Assigned a general blood contributor, Max is detained and utilized as a "blood pack" for a debilitated War Boy called Nux. Then, Imperator Furiosa, one of Joe's lieutenants, is sent in her shielded semi-truck, the "War Rig", to gather gas. When she drives off-course, Joe understands that his five spouses—ladies chose for reproducing—are missing. Joe drives his whole armed force in quest for Furiosa, approaching the guide of close-by Gas Town and the Bullet Farm.

Nux joins the interest with Max strapped to his auto to keep supplying blood. A fight results between the War Rig and Joe's strengths. Furiosa crashes into a dust storm, dodging her followers, with the exception of Nux, who endeavors to yield himself to annihilate the Rig. Max escapes and controls Nux, however the auto is obliterated. After the tempest, Max sees Furiosa repairing the Rig, joined by the Wives: Capable, Cheedo, Toast, the Dag and the Splendid Angharad, who is vigorously pregnant with Joe's kid. Max takes the Rig, however its off button cripples it. Max reluctantly consents to give Furiosa and the Wives a chance to go with him; Nux, deserted, is grabbed by Joe's armed force. 
Mad Max: Fury Road full movie download
Furiosa drives through a biker posse controlled gully to bargain an arrangement for safe entry; nonetheless, with Joe's powers seeking after, the pack turns on her, constraining her and the gathering to escape while the bikers explode the gully dividers to piece Joe. Max and Furiosa battle seeking after bikers as Joe's auto, with Nux now on board, surmounts the bar and in the long run assaults the War Rig, permitting Nux to board. In any case, as the Rig get away, Angharad tumbles off trying to secure Max and is keep running over by Joe's auto, murdering her and her youngster. 

Furiosa discloses to Max that they are getting away to the "Green Place", a charming area she recalls from her youth. Competent discovers Nux stowing away in the Rig, distressed over his disappointment, and consoles him. That night, the Rig gets stuck in mud. Furiosa and Max moderate Joe's strengths with mines, however Joe's associate, the Bullet Farmer, keeps seeking after them. Nux helps Max free the Rig while Furiosa shoots and blinds the Bullet Farmer. Max strolls into the dim to stand up to the Bullet Farmer and his men, coming back with weapons and ammo. 
Mad Max: Fury Road full movie torrent
They drive the War Rig overnight through swampland and desert, going over a stripped lady the following day. Max suspects a trap, however Furiosa approaches the lady and states her history and group connection. The exposed lady summons her group, the Vuvalini, who perceive Furiosa as one of their own who was hijacked as a youngster. Furiosa is crushed to discover that the swampland they passed was in fact the Green Place, now appalling. The gathering then wants to ride motorbikes crosswise over tremendous salt pads in the trust of finding another home. Max stays behind, yet in the wake of seeing dreams of a kid he neglected to spare, he persuades them to come back to the undefended Citadel, which has sufficient water and greenery that Joe keeps for himself, and trap Joe and his armed force in the bikers' gulch. 

The gathering goes to the Citadel, however they are assaulted on the way by Joe's strengths, and Furiosa is genuinely injured. Joe positions his auto before the War Rig to moderate it, while Max battles Joe's mammoth child, Rictus Erectus. Joe catches Toast who figures out how to divert him sufficiently long for Furiosa to murder him. Nux penances himself by destroying the Rig, executing Rictus and hindering the gully, permitting Max, Furiosa, the spouses, and the surviving Vuvalini to escape effectively in Joe's auto, where Max transfuses his blood to Furiosa to help her survive her wounds. 
Mad Max: Fury Road torrent download
At the Citadel, the bankrupted subjects are thrilled at seeing Joe's cadaver. Furiosa, the spouses, and the Vuvalini are cheered by the general population and invited by the remaining War Boys, however Max leaves, offering a look to Furiosa before vanishing into the group.

Year of Release: 2016

Type of the Movie: Action

Size of the Movie: 3.9 GB

Quality: BDRip

Film Director: George Miller

Lenght: 119 min

Language: English

Resolution: 1080p


Mad Max Fury Road YouTube trailer:

